Sunday, 4 October 2009

Site Meeting with Newburgh Engineering Company

Following Ellie's letter to both the Peak District National Park Authority and Newburgh Engineering Company, a site meeting was organised where we were able to visit the existing (private) orchard on Town Bottom Nursery and to have a look at a proposed site for a new orchard should the development go ahead.
Town Bottom Nursery showing the mature walnut tree and a number of filbert cob nuts trees in front. These trees will be protected under the redevelopment proposals. It was agreed that the existing fruit trees could be pruned over the winter to encourage new growth suitable for grafting.

The site meeting also looked at land along Bradwell Brook at the rear of the existing Newburgh Engineering site. This area might provide suitable land for an orchard, but we will need to carry out some ground investigation to determine how wet it is, as this area forms part of the flood plain.